days in forging stronger bond with Asoh, my Japanese Crowned Queen.

This is a gloomy morning. last night listened a strong sermon, but after returned to dorm, i know the connection between dad, God with me, is my treasure&never will be public like the bible. reviewing baby’s smartness, really felt painful for so many occasions i mistaken his wonderful beaming response as stupid or meaningful. God, u know how dear my baby son, warrenzh, owner of site, hope of China and God of Universe, is. every moment in office i longing moment with him. every moment with him brings so many touching warm memories.
Its a gloomy morning, but i know my second wife caring us. God, last night i met a girl closely, &her height reminds me of my girl zhou, who once appeared in QRRS. God, i never gave up her who is so pure&saint in ur care. God, u know how i love beauty, bring my girls in their prime time, in my prime time, my Empire asking for the blood-bond and shiny heirs.
also, as today in my second wife’s share, i need a dell game notebook, about ¥6000, a udisk, ¥300, a mobile ¥800, domains renewal ¥2000, hometown duty ¥1000. God, let me act in freedom.


a day missing in sadness.^the most bright part today is around the noon. endured waiting for d/l. office once colleagues tentatively shown bonus dispatching among them. in the morning they summoned for meeting, i kept busy on desk as usual, for i decided its high time to switch my living support from the company, QRRS, a dying machine suffering fuel leaking by stealing mouse flocks among its staff, to Masheng (Asoh Yukiko), my Japanese Crowned Queen, my God of plenty&serene. cloudy usually let me indecisive, but hopeful tomorrow will bring me unshakable faith&confidence. the night it rains, cleaning&killing for me, sole for me, &so beautiful&formidable. watched rain in dorm’s door. bought food&met beautiful girls in QRRS dorms but don’t know where&who they r. roamed in dorm in music till after 10pm went to bed. woke up before 5am. ate breakfast, abiding God’s bliss&quite enjoy it. its cool&bright morning. Masheng (Asoh Yukiko), stay every moment with me!, bring our babies sooner in our marriage!

benzrad’s commment on the day

respectable Chinese lives long.


China nowadays greatly obliged to persons like Dr. Fang, any society needs trust based on authentication. Dr. Fang is a real man, any Chinese should pay him salute.

benzrad’s commment on the day

human right of net access.

hope sooner world nowadays adopts the human right of net access. human right likely under the guidance of humanity, ie. the beneficial of human being.
as to a Chinese on China mainland, i hope net can be more meaningful&positive impact upon the society’s innovation.

the UN Human Rights Council to adopt five new Internet freedoms: freedom of expression, of worship, from want, from fear, to connect. 

Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR). Freedom from slavery. Freedom from torture. Equal protection under the law.  

from Joho the Blog » The Internet as a human right –


dreamed of hunting killer.^dreamed of Japanese again in dawn. then dreamed passing Huangzhou, where i finished my senior middle school, in my hometown journey. 2 alumni, a Wang&a Zhang, met me. the Zhang on way to ship started to hunt for my life. its cloudy in this morning. sins in office damaged my network wire&tentatively shown it loosely on my desk. dog by it indicating of option to deprive me off Internet. fix it by replacing with a wire i stored. God, kill the thief in office.


dreamed of Japanese family.^past 2 days with baby son in gaming full of joys, esp we succeeded all mission in game “Army Ranger: Mogadishu for PC”. baby shared the moment reading the ending product message after fury war field. today baby&his mom ema, who said will join family gathering&rarely at home, so she suggested i busy with my own business, don’t go over to accompany baby. dreamed of Japanese in dream. its sunny now. i hope i find fun today in office. God, let me connected with pulse&atop game industry. God, rid baby of boring. let him meaningful in silent moments in his life, like i do.


a sunny day with new cyberspace footprint.^yesterday is busy. in night in dorm arranged claiming space for my hometown domestically, esp with 163&hexun, overnight. overseas profiles with yahoo&google already done years ago. this morning got up even earlier, likely before 6am when i settled in office. office sins both stayed at noon, while i enjoy the new space in memory of my ancestor, Zhudajiu, 朱大九. God, see my works there&lasting centuries, for ur glory under my ancestor since the Emperor of Ming Dynasty.
tomorrow is lunar Mid-Autumn Day. i longing now for gaming together with baby son, warrenzh. sunshine already shines the valley&bees wooing for delicacy. God, prepare me for the holy moment, for the gathering. my girls, come&let’s game, or make fun.

From life as it extends
From life as it extends

for google&flick blocked within China mainlnad for years, here some copy hosted domestic.

Bright full moon after lunar Mid-Autumn day in sky above QRRS front space.

baby glad&turns playful with his new clothes.

Posted via email from zhuson, united US and China in one under God’s shine. ╋中美一家神

gather forever with Son.

yesterday is the day i treated baby son, warrenzh, owner of domain, second since my returned from hometown journey. i also bought myself a new pair of shoes i like from Fu-Mart. in my life i rarely bought myself clothes. before adulthood, clothes arranged by mother; early years after i worked from graduation, i put quite some of my deposit for kid brother’s education, for my grand dad then dislike to hard labor work on stone product; in early years after married, the mother-in-law offered quite some old clothes of her second husband, a cadre just bankrupt his work unit. i in fact quite enjoy put on myself in my own taste or fashion. in the conjoined KFC, baby enjoyed KFC food as usual. i can be more glad to see he eating. his mom, emakingir, disliked cooking in her life so far, and baby son had to endure tasteless food, and grows a habit disliking routine meals, but snacks.
returned from shopping&snacking, i slept in dorm in afternoon sunshine. after woke up, i noticed a group of hooligans, about 8 men or more, lingered in the open space of the dorms babbling&poking&gambling for most of the day. they want to expand their influence over the graduates in the dorms. when i dial to report the high rank of QRRS on the unlawful&wrong management of the dorms’ administration, the gangsters scattered. after dinner in the canteen, i rest on the bench again. soon an elder with a small bag approached me and asked where is the dorm. i told him but felt strange. then my cellphone reminds me time to join the preach in nearby church. the Priest elaborated a lot on Satan, let a demon aside me groan. after the preach i discussed it with the Priest, i told him i more glad to hear of faith and love from Bible. in dorm i slept as usual around 9pm, but visited a guy in the dorm who playing online shooting game. i was likely caught in nightmare, dreamed live with a foreigner, then in campus or office i can’t move or stand up. i felt the evil of the old man in dusk in the dorm attempting to talk with me. then a sudden thunderstorm woke me up. its strong and speedy, i watched it a sight then slept again. i breakfast when i still pale in morning night, but it turns brilliant now since i joined office.
God, its my first time reunited with baby son, Hope of China, God of Universe, warrenzh, since u admits me pursue my new marriage from my second hometown journey and a short period lingering in his mom’s house to attend him. God, let me sooner rest in my new home with my beloved girls, to carter baby son in best harmony and peace in soul. God, i trust u, bring my girls to my arms, we all in our best time now and to come.


visit baby son in his mom’s home.^visit baby son as scheduled. backup new stuff, mostly pc games,from web to dvds. reviewed finance log with baby’s mom,emakingir, who found some faults but finally likes the site, to make use of it. prepared new games on notebook for baby. lunched there but daunted by dinner which too simple. showered&made a contract with ema to pay her to wash my clothes every week.
enjoy talk with baby on air.^dined in dorms’ canteen, with some shrimps. sorted infected os. buzzed baby twice for the elation of God’s glory among us. slept later than 10pm&didn’t brush teeth.


amend finance records.^read all day. dozed twice. d/l delayed me&left office near 6pm. dinner again not so satisfying. bought&ate watermelon after roamed outside. met the only Hubeier in QRRS near dorm’s door. he talking on his cell, so i just evade him&enter my room. the first day i returned to dorm he called in for loan. during jog my shoes wrecked. buzzed baby’s mom about the effect&surplus after i verified personal finance log on
dreamed in love.^dreamed with my beloved girl, &brothers or pals, in a tour. we tried to attach fireworks onto balls in motion. a bit sleepy after got up. lingered&breakfast then join office, where the porter shown hostile yesterday when i arrived a bot earlier. its a quite bright morning.
check family google sites.^assess family assets, esp. that with google, like sites&blogspot. some broken linkages need actions but hold on. baby’s mom, emakingir, let me query departmental clerk for reimbursement accord to corporate policy, i was told the clerk glad to let baby’s grandma to fetch it like she previously did. hopeful i can do some replacement of worn shoes or clothing with the money. i promised ema buying her a electronic motorcycle.
check my brand online.^read&d/l all day. the facing demons tentatively/elicit shown gay tendency, one of them left lately. google my id&researched why my name appears in a joke site,, but can’t find who input my name there with a praying heart. China surveillance also frequently blocked my googling amid. God, bring my girls to me sooner!

benzrad’s comments on the day

World need see clear the impotent of nowadays China.

baby showered at home in the first weekend after benzrad’s return.

Download now or watch on posterous

DSCF6103.MP4 (44464 KB)

Its the last work day in the first week of baby’s dad’s return from his hometown in central China. baby’s dad also suggested to buy a electronic bike, which a long time hunt for emakingir, baby’s mom. the night baby bathed, so did his mom&dad at home at cost of ema who prepared&clean the lavatory.

day offline, brewing love for southern girl.

Ok, its a sultry noon. i prepared blogging, including photos, since early morning. my keyboard turns sticky now. bye, all my beloved. bright belongs to us. i assert here i own the world from my ancestor and beyond.


niece returned to Wuhan after a night at home.^prepared workspace before breakfast. invited visiting niece&her niece eating together. the little girl gamed since them, while i napped awhile. niece left&returned to Wuhan to join her college.


God kills a baby girl in Zhudajiu.^read most day while attending d/l. napped awhile at noon when the evil back door neighbors babbled. then niece returned from Wuhan, before her 3rd year summer college vacation, enjoy snack she brought&rabbled. the granddaughter of elder brother returned from her kindergarten, gamed with a evil neighbor kid. i bathed before dinner. haunted outside, first chatted with the only taxi driver in Zhudajiu, then attracted by a vcd of local opera. when i stood on second floor of elder brother’s house, a baby girl drown in her grandpa’s indoor pool, which is the only case among villagers who has such a spacious yard. lingered some time with the doctor. continued to help niece claim her vanity url for her qq mail, blog&microblog. talked to baby son on phone, alermed him&his mom the threat of drown, as well as other sinful murdering plot i sensed these days in Zhudajiu, the polluted land by historical wrong doings among villagers.
let mother not to memorize ancestor with crackers&burning yellow paper.^today its lunar May 1st, lots of families in Zhudajiu held ceremony praying&memorizing their passed relatives as well as ancestors with kneels&crackers&burning yellow paper which regarded as money in the other world for their ancestors. i was woke by crackers everywhere&got annoyed. tried to got music online but again failed, likes the case of online radio i discussed it previously. in breakfast told mother give up traditional commemoration way, she nodded even reluctant. its a cloudy morning.

benzrad’s comment on the day.

benzrad朱本主子卓 ( 转播: i agree. common Chinese half-disabled by constrained from gun while dog system like cops armed to teeth. people must be empowered anyway anytime.
连岳 ( :据《瞭望》新闻周刊:我国枪支管理制度松懈,售买渠道半公开存在,地下交屡禁不止。——我觉得让民众手头有枪,弊大于利,没什么不好的。 


folks wondered me.^posting blog lasted after noon for likely blocking over some of my sites. near dinner let neighbor boy, a demon, played game on my notebook. haunted outside after rich dinner, frequented a cordial wife in the village. played with kids in front space. later revisited the wife whose family dining. lots of evil probings whipped in my mind before i worked in night. baby’s mom, emakingir dined out with his colleagues, reluctant to go online, fine tuned family google knols till near 10pm.
post a blog entry.^recent morning got up lately, likely worked too late in night, usually after 10pm before went to bad. prepared&post a blog to include tweets&photos, also a video of raining since breakfast. mother bought some litchi for me&quite sweet&juicy. its a sunny morning. 

From Hometown Journey Ⅱ
From Hometown Journey Ⅱ
From Hometown Journey Ⅱ
From Hometown Journey Ⅱ
From Hometown Journey Ⅱ


for picasaweb&flickr blocked within China mainland, the shit&dog dominated sinful land, here some digest of photos hosted domestically.

A drizzle wrinkles on the surface of one of Zhudajiu’s ponds.

a bird rest on a power line support pole.

a sunset over Zhudajiu village.

entertained multiplied between kid villagers and me, benzrad, Founder of new Empire of China.


today witness God’s deed. the morning when i got up its gloomy. after breakfast i read indoor. then shifted to front yard of my dad’s old house to read when it turned clearer. soon some kids in the village visited me. i treated them with animation online. when some of them asking for games, i let them playing pc games on my notebook. then more children or students arrived&gamed, let the front yard noise and happy. after forced them left when i felt enough, i prepared recent photos, and posted them with God’s help against China surveillance, which failed me for more than an hour when i fought alone. a cute girl accompanied me when i succeeded posting to picasaweb. i shown her and later other girls their photos on my album online. when they started to game, i rested or tutored them to master computer mouse they first time used. they tried 3 games, and reluctant to give up. i soon brought my camera to haunt the village’s front plaza, where again empty, likely most residential busy with indoor gambling. i shoot some photo of water, one of my favorite theme, then visit my elder brother’s home, where i shot more scenery pictures. mother asked neighbor wives to buy pork, and still preparing dinner when i returned home. i rested in my dad’s old house’s back yard. its a long time before mother served dinner, and when i started to eat dinner, some evil neighbor wives gathered to watch the coming drizzle driving my mother indoor. but i insisted to finish dinner in drizzle. when i finished first bowl of rice with some marvellous dishes, the drizzle stopped. i felt God’s bliss and exchanged one or two sentences with a neighbor wife for glad seeing the rain favor us. then a more serious drizzled suddenly arrived, mother rushes to collect dishes and moved to house to evade the drizzle even i insisted and finished my dinner in the drizzle, which wet my suite’s shoulders. God don’t alert me with precaution, but i know i do the right things any time. in peace, i shifted the table, which only left a dish by my failed mother, to our house after my last suck of rice wine several weeks ago elder sister bought me, and went outside lavatory to make water. the drizzle stopped almost at once. i chatted in dad’s front yard with neighbor wife and her son about a new game i got late afternoon, and invited the kid even i knew he wouldn’t join for the failure and hostile from his demon family. then i sang in open air till mother let me doing cleaning for night. the matter in the dusk is clearest God’s deed. for the sinful neighbor wife, just behind my dad’s house, is a Buddhist. she worshipped a puppy Buddha in her room facing our kitchen. dad, God, u shown killing and all why this dusk.
its all right when i watching TV. but mother felt at a loss, and tried to challenge me by sat parallel to me on my bed watching TV. i know her struggle against me, till she retreated in her claim for sleep. God, u sees i never response for any sins in the world of human.

From Hometown Journey Ⅱ
From Hometown Journey Ⅱ
From Hometown Journey Ⅱ
From Hometown Journey Ⅱ

for picasaweb&flickr blocked within China mainland, the shit&dog dominated sinful land, here some digest of photos hosted domestically.
A large gap digged by villagers’ quarry.

a new villager’s house can described as luxury.

granddaughter of my elder brother.

Posted via email from zhuson, united US and China in one under God’s shine. ╋中美一家神

life on God’s land with more and new assurance.


settled in dad’s house, in hometown village Zhudajiu.^its has been almost a week since last blog. now, after 3 days on the road, i settled in the old house of my passed dad. my aged mom cooked for me, and i enjoyed the food very much as usual. the broadband likely will working next day. it has been sunny days since my arrival. yesterday i slept a lot, amid reckons from the shrewd folks in the village, whose inhabitant mostly in family name Zhu. last night it again hard for me to sleep, i felt God, my passed dad aside me, and all of sins in the folks, esp. their wives.
the journey on the train is the tour i babbled most in my life. in thirst for my missing girl zhou, as well as my other wives, i searched every single girl for my beloved. in my dad’s house these days sometimes those girls’ friendly attitude toward me when i sought talking with them reappeared in my mind eyes, and i was deeply touched by their tender hearts for me. on the distant bus from Wuhan to Wuxue, my hometown county, the movie on the bus is a love story, the endeared moment with my girl zhou in QRRS was called forth to my mind, i was more assured that love is immortal, and my new family with my girl zhou, is blessed even stronger.
last night it rained first time since my arrival. to be exact it started in late afternoon. when it drizzled, i didn’t see God’s view. but in the night it turns clear. my surf&reading occasionally led to some exotic pictures, then i sensed all dirt among the villagers under my feet. i see God’s mercy and kindness. last time when i lived in the village for more than 2 months, it was exactly the dirt around drove me away from my passed dad, God, his land. the rain also a Bliss and nutrition to my beloved that praying for our gathering. i know God sets it up already, and in the most elegant and brilliant way.
this morning i finally broke China surveillance which failed me many attempts yesterday, successfully posted all photos&videos in the journey. God grants my enjoyable working space anywhere i bring with. Ok, its time for launch. bye, all my girls, i know girl zhou follows me in this county and countryside. bring me my fuel and drinks, my best beloved! i love u all, my dearest, my brides. God sees and sets in the only Son.

missing tweet before May of 2010:

Apr 24,2010

got train tickets in the morning before visit office. tried to contact cadres in QRRS but failed. the deparment director, a Wang, rebuff my request to lean for my hometown journey, while the Zhou’s office phone all time absent. read in office to kill time. help neighbor woman colleague to fix her qq rtx enterprise im. gamed all night with baby, including installed new mini games.

Apr 25,2010

gamed with baby most of the day, also cared additional download. a slim girl student visit&baby teased her, but i felt too soon for baby and the girl student to see any premature emotion. gamed with baby before sleep, baby fell to bump on his head, but he asked to game the same next night.

Apr 26,2010

late sleep. the grandma visited to attending baby. baby watched animation while i dozed again aside. ema returned&launched together. played pc games with baby late afternoon, when it started to drizzle. ema gave up buffet with her colleagues, staying home to dine. i bought beef pies and soup and ice cream for baby.

From Hometown Journey Ⅱ
From prelude of benzrad’s Hometown Journey
From prelude of benzrad’s Hometown Journey
From prelude of benzrad’s Hometown Journey

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Get your own

playful baby on his skateshoes video:

for picasaweb&flickr blocked within China mainland, the shit&dog dominated sinful land, here some digest of photos hosted domestically.
baby son, warrenzh, 朱楚甲, domain owner of, immersed in pc games.
proud father, benzrad, 朱子卓, and joyful baby son, warrenzh, 朱楚甲.
my dad, 朱中明, Father in Heaven, his tomb here in my hometown village.
the ever green slope of our back mountain, 大璧山. world blesses it.

See and download the full gallery on posterous

Posted via email from benzyrnill, set to fly, like dragon fly…鸠昱隆嘉

See and download the full gallery on posterous

life with new and more assurance on land of God, dad.


settled in dad’s house, in hometown village Zhudajiu.^its has been almost a week since last blog. now, after 3 days on the road, i settled in the old house of my passed dad. my aged mom cooked for me, and i enjoyed the food very much as usual. the broadband likely will working next day. it has been sunny days since my arrival. yesterday i slept a lot, amid reckons from the shrewd folks in the village, whose inhabitant mostly in family name Zhu. last night it again hard for me to sleep, i felt God, my passed dad aside me, and all of sins in the folks, esp. their wives.
the journey on the train is the tour i babbled most in my life. in thirst for my missing girl zhou, as well as my other wives, i searched every single girl for my beloved. in my dad’s house these days sometimes those girls’ friendly attitude toward me when i sought talking with them reappeared in my mind eyes, and i was deeply touched by their tender hearts for me. on the distant bus from Wuhan to Wuxue, my hometown county, the movie on the bus is a love story, the endeared moment with my girl zhou in QRRS was called forth to my mind, i was more assured that love is immortal, and my new family with my girl zhou, is blessed even stronger.
last night it rained first time since my arrival. to be exact it started in late afternoon. when it drizzled, i didn’t see God’s view. but in the night it turns clear. my surf&reading occasionally led to some exotic pictures, then i sensed all dirt among the villagers under my feet. i see God’s mercy and kindness. last time when i lived in the village for more than 2 months, it was exactly the dirt around drove me away from my passed dad, God, his land. the rain also a Bliss and nutrition to my beloved that praying for our gathering. i know God sets it up already, and in the most elegant and brilliant way.
this morning i finally broke China surveillance which failed me many attempts yesterday, successfully posted all photos&videos in the journey. God grants my enjoyable working space anywhere i bring with. Ok, its time for launch. bye, all my girls, i know girl zhou follows me in this county and countryside. bring me my fuel and drinks, my best beloved! i love u all, my dearest, my brides. God sees and sets in the only Son.

From Hometown Journey Ⅱ
From prelude of benzrad’s Hometown Journey
From prelude of benzrad’s Hometown Journey
From prelude of benzrad’s Hometown Journey

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Get your own

playful baby on his skateshoes video:

for picasaweb&flickr blocked within China mainland, the shit&dog dominated sinful land, here some digest of photos hosted domestically.
baby son, warrenzh, 朱楚甲, domain owner of, immersed in pc games.
proud father, benzrad, 朱子卓, and joyful baby son, warrenzh, 朱楚甲.
my dad, 朱中明, Father in Heaven, his tomb here in my hometown village.
the ever green slope of our back mountain, 大璧山. world blesses it.

See and download the full gallery on posterous

Posted via email from benzyrnill, set to fly, like dragon fly…鸠昱隆嘉

See and download the full gallery on posterous

life in anticipation in my small hometown village

settled in dad’s house, in hometown village Zhudajiu.^its has been almost a week since last blog. now, after 3 days on the road, i settled in the old house of my passed dad. my aged mom cooked for me, and i enjoyed the food very much as usual. the boardband likely will working next day. it has been sunny days since my arrival. yesterday i slept a lot, amid reckons from the shrewd folks in the village, whose inhabitant mostly in family name Zhu. last night it again hard for me to sleep, i felt God, my passed dad aside me, and all of sins in the folks, esp. their wives.
the journey on the train is the tour i babbled most. in thirst for my missing girl zhou, as well as my other wives, i searched every single girl for my beloved. in my dad’s house these days sometimes those girls’ friendly atitude toward me when i sought talk with them reappear in my mind eyes, and i was deeply touched by their tender hearts for me. on the distant bus from Wuhan to Wuxue, my hometown county, the movie on the bus is a love story, the endeared moment with my girl zhou in QRRS was called forth to my mind, i was more assured that love is immortal, and my new family with my girl zhou, is blessed even stronger.

videos description:
Its a bright day after 3 series of the same. we haunted outside together, before my hometown journey which started on next Wednesday when i will leave baby and the city of Qiqihar. the sunshine is quite bright, even stinging. baby cried awhile after a elder boy broast his bravity&push baby’s back&let baby fall for he is skating clumsily. on way back home, baby asked some problem with China’s security in the world, and i glad to be a talkative lecture for him. its really a nice day.
DSCF5071.MP4 (56.13M, 2010年5月19日 12:14 到期)

Posted via email from zhuson, united US and China in one under God’s shine. ╋中美一家神

benzrad’s daily tweets: Jan 20-23, 2010

To my girl zhou: about our new life.^in the after dinner roam, my heart weightened by girl's anxious about how to support my new life with the lifestyle we wished. God let me more cherished what my girl zhou bring to me, from a clean hand, forever. and to relieve my girl's burden of support my new life, God has it: Masheng, ur money, as well as Japan's finiancial power, is the only money on the world that's growing with lives. help my girl zhou to arrange our new life, including the new house, that we deserve under God's shine, decorate it with simple, romantic, and secure. rid us all evil of espionage. always lighten my girl with Holy spirit, rather anxious about so called reality problems. i will since my being under God's shine many years ago choose live in Spirit. my dearest girl zhou, pl lend me ur hands, let's step into our new life Heaven grants. u will be the finiancer of China Corporate, world will sees China's prosperous, but never leave lightning Spirit even in split of second; never let money win ur sight, which would never happen on u, my dearest. Tonight the bottomless sky has a half moon, the forever family friend of Ming dynasty. let's pray its clear and clean glows hallow our Royal of China. pure and plenty of China and its Royal.

slept all day.^last night in music till 11pm. got  up till 4pm&dined out with beef pies and mutton soup. now surfing.

dogs barked upon me.

dined with baby son&his mom.^last night dined with baby son. a dog behind him tentatively poked baby's head when baby playing on his chair. kill the dog at once&told baby the death. Masheng, let ur special action squad do it, slaughter the dog insulting at once. got up lately after 8am. its again a bright day in brilliant sunshine. posted recent photos.

Posted via email from zhuson, united US and China in one under God’s shine

murmur&mandate in transit life.

dreamed a lot.^last night thought some time on bed before fell into sleep. dreamed of family, hometown folks, colleagues, alumni. also dreamed of many places. dreamed in my palace with a servant eat cookies for VIPs. got up urined then dozed till after 9am. in office dealt my GAE, with the forum's author's new direction, finished most apps&new forums' setup. my girl zhou first time holding a man's arms to urge me act. felt cold upon the changes. roamed around the front area of QRRS, first don't want to meet my girl, then God let me don't lose passion, so try to follow her, but don't find her in the rush float of QRRS staff. reviewed my situation in dorm, tried to contact the high rank in QRRS, a Zhou, twice for invoice the love between my girl&me, but can't connect neither his office nor home phone. God, help my girl zhou killing dirts around her, killing dogs blocking between us, not matter cops or mafia. Royal of China, in my title, forever sane, saint&untouchable beautiful. my new life with my girl zhou should descends in the beginning of 2010. God, reinforce me with love&do right immediate, blow away hatred&dark the evil try their best to horse me down.

my girl zhou turns playful.^dreamed of easy sex among my senior middle school alumni. fight for pure love&its sex. dreamed in dawn some ants eating bees, breaking their shells. dozed again after washed head. in office restored os. read awhile ebook on axis of evil: communism left in the world, among biting from facing dog. its a bright morning. greet my girl in rush time, she first time shown her proactive guesture after passed over my office. roamed some time to avoid dirty dog on facing desk. read awhile before return to dorm. immersed in an ebook on cyber war in dorm, till tired&dozed. felt lucky again upon my coming family with my girl zhou. waited her after dinner&follow her till cross road. praying God i can live with her sooner, i really love her, her figure this time i closely perceived. review my love for girl zhou after returned dorm&pray God let me in Heaven with a new family with my girl zhou sooner. buzzed baby's mother about dining out agenda, then roamed outside. met cop on the way. the evil plots detaining me in asylum or prison. bought 2 eggs&ate.

dreamed of sex with my girl zhou.^last night enjoyed music a lot. in dawn dreamed in my palace sex with my girl zhou, my other wives, one is likely Masheng, my second wife from Japan, and my baby son, also present. then dreamed a guy in the contest of driving electronic game, but his game controller bad, so i lent him my mouse or cellphone to control. bought socks&inner pants. continued to fix down forum of, failed again. try to contact the app's author. after lunch debug the app again in dorm till it works. returned to office to update the app online but it strangely don't work online. the facing dog soon visit office&stayed there all time when i busy debugging. at first the gay biting heavily, after i dealt with email from the author of the app, biting turns down. the dinner tasteless. in dorm gloomy attacted me. felt lonely. listen music in night. do personal care.

got up after 9am. dozed again till seeing bright sunshine outside. roamed some time outside. listen music&reveiw my love after lunch, dozed again for boring. doubting if QRRS reschedules so visit office. found office empty while neighbor depart all on duty. launched to fix my forum at, where a wrongly created forum let homepage broken. posted daily tweet, failed fix the app&gave up till after 5pm. continued fix it in dorm by setup GAE&succeeded. reviewed my love in music. the half full moon clearly&serenely glows in mid sky.

the 5th snow, a heavy snow.^last night slept later in high mood. a bit restless on bed&fell into sleep lately. this morning woke up after 9:30am. dreamed of my wedding ceremony, but i seemingly not happy like should be, also don't familiar with my wife&peek her privately. dreamed Chinese force squad, ie. army&police, practised (cyberspace) dealing hajack in a large office tower, likely CCTV, herds of police equipped with pistols or guns, but just wait&track the man kidnapped a someone, in the countless rooms&corridors&stairs. its likely also an electronic war, for in the dream i strongly dispised the vomitting defensive attitude on Internet China sinful authority nowadays adopted. in office published recent photos with a blog entry expressing. greet my girl zhou, who walked alone under my office to assure me our saint private connection exists anytime&everytime, against in yesterday's rush time evil arranged trifle persons' attempting to mess up. busy with refined my forum, one of my google app engines, at, in the afternoon, fine tuned page's template, correct google friend connect due to url remapping. the department gathered for lunch out, let me alone in office. the facing dog second day in serial lingered in office&darting poisons even in his vacation. it snows all day&covered ground thick. roamed outside the dorms area after 7pm, picked the crowd in the local church, where hosting a singing&dancing party for Jesus, almost wept with a song when review my love&missing for God&my girls, esp. girl zhou, who is praying for our fruit of love so sincerely. reviewed my love for baby son, God of Universe, and my girl zhou, my heart harden with blesses that our deep harmony in our coming marriage seeds more.

dreamed of George H. W. Bush.^last night dreamed with bless in songs. dreamed my elder brother. killing a tortoise by cutting its head twice with blade釬 when it stick out. look into the possible evil in elder brother's. dreamed in dawn accompanying George H. W. Bush in his election team. bush is a kind&easy man with lots of original ideas, while his wife manages lots of things. later seemingly i was in my own election team. got up lately near 9am. felt glad so many lucky things in my life ahead&can't help count days in exciting, like Spring festival in eyes of a child. read in office in the morning, saluted my girl in bright sunshine. busy with refining family 163 blogs, built groups within each family member's account, ie. IIDChina, faezrland, emagarten, warranzh. sorted stuff got from web&portable. got a bonus of ¥200 for the New Year's Day from QRRS. treat baby son&his mom with fried lamb leg as scheduled, such a great moment with baby son, never words can express the elation. snows killing since i ruturned to the dorm. i felt so contented, Dad, God. i finally got my white wine after waited for so many days. God blessed the world of good, as all sees, esp. those homeless and live poor, live them with hope&surprise, as i can do it myself.

dreamed of love. life in our own rhythm in central China on agenda.^last night went to bed on time for too eager for Thursday when i will treat baby son&his mom in nearby restaurant with fried lamb leg. in dawn dreamed of circus, my elder sister&2 kid brother(i had only one kid brother in fact. in dream the kid brother help to perform is a tall young man, likely the actor in recent Korea TV series in CCTV1) help. i urged to treat animals with kindness forever. its atmosphere is happy and love, seemingly my marriage is to forged&relatives all looking forward it. then dreamed in drama, ema's relative, a tall female, appears in it. its really a loving&touching night, for in dreams all emotion floats loves&best wishes. got up earlier, before 7:30am, too exciting these days for my new life ahead.
in office read feeds. then claimed family namespace with free first level domain in .tk. sorted bookmarks&portable. met my girl once, but for busy with the domain felt at a loss more or less when saluting my girl after passions last night. after dinner met my girl again near the front door of QRRS. trifle persons still puffing sands amid us, but i see clear my girl with me like a bud, a slim&tall bud with dews from Heaven on it, leaving me in our vested valley alone pursue her wind, color, dance, and perfume. God, i forever cherish my girl zhou's lean soul&cordiality in the life we bound since love dents our hearts. dogs in the dorm i now linger brought thick dirts, and foully smessy, but God see my girls' intact, in my title. arranged tomorrow's treat with baby&his mom. roamed again around, God let me arrange my new life after married my girl zhou, i definitely longing the strong sunshine in my hometown. and i missing my kid brother, who still fighting a rootless living in southern China with his family, very much. i would buy he&his family a new house in the county, Wuxue, or help he settle down in the city with a business, according his long time wish. i would like buy a new house in the small county city with my own family, too, enjoy the sunshine and clear seaons with plenty rains&thunderstorms. i also need refurnish house of my passed dad, God, Founder of new Empire of China, in the blessed mountain village, Zhudajiu.

dreams. joyful moment with my girl zhou.^last night went to bed earlier, just around 9pm. dreamed with some aged researching sand&underground water. dreamed on Lushang廬山, Jianxi Prov., China, likely with my spouse, on a bridge. research its missing lakes, villa of Jiangjieshi蔣介石 there, etc. those days also doubting where is my girl Lü, whose neaty&independent enchanted me a lot when she came over to emakingir's house for tutorial, and fight with ema for her hope to marry me&succeeded. she is my first wife that arrives later. her brewing of loving me for years in loneliness while so young wins respects from all my wives. posting tweet in office, refined geotagged photos. read within greader since then. my girl zhou again affirmed our love&her being blessed. gays in the office building, esp. the fake ganster who in fact a thin lamb or lame duck in neighbor room tried to dirt. snowing likely gathering to kill tonight. after dinner roamed&ran into rush time of QRRS, but don't see my girl in the crowd. the early serene moon and white snowflakes falling all around really too beautiful. especially felt auspicious tonight, which snowing. Masheng, closer to me&let's enjoy family life earlier, let it starts with my new life in the beginning of 2010, if u r ready. promised me never leave me alone in ur soul nor physically. i love u&thankful, God sees. i wouldn't let u alone care our first son, my second son, nor with our other 2 sons when we both in mid age&thanksful&perceptive, years only adds wise&lean soul, no change in ur forever young beauty. just coming into my reach. and BTW, how is u now with baby son, warrenzh, Hope of China, God of Universe? this night we stay together, and should so forever.
all night listening music, and retrospect my love.

dreamed of hometown.^last night the corridor's lamps all can't light up. strange persons&sounds in the dark floor. in dawn dreamed returning to hometown, where hosts celebrating banquet for me. dreamed of shitting. posted recent photos&refined my google maps, posted recent lengthy tweets to blogs. seeing my girl zhou's encourages for me in rush time, really inspiring! read feed&tried some tips in it. baby's mom buzzed in at noon, i persuade her not to come over to hand in momey for my life settled well&she accepted. reviewed my love history&deeply touched by the being blessed. God, sees me&my prayer.

dreamed of baby son.^late sleep. dreamed of freaky hooligans, who kidnapped travelers in Shangdong by pretending railway station staff. the victims in heavy rains forced to believe in the freaks. baby son in later dream&signed me to notice spies outside of the door. for sunshine really bright so haunted around&shot some photo for QRRS' stylish buildings, sorted them after returned dorm. dozed after lunch, dreamed of almost sex with baby's mother, but stopped by spying eyes. then dreamed of God, my dad, asked him to save my girl, girl zhou or ema. all night staying room reveiwing my situation.

sound sleep.^last night first time changed my dose&it worked well. i got up till 10:30am. dozed again after lunch, dreamed of gain large fortune&met my sister in hometown. dreamed chosen to act as referee in sports game&trained in contest. all afternoon in dozed. roamed around the dorm area after dinner&felt misery in chill of wind. stay in dorm all night, nor buzz baby to avoid freaky surveillance.

Dad's memory day.^Today is the day dad pasted me for 3 years. last night i check my site for him. dreamed preparing English exam. in dawn dreamed help my once dempartment before it broke into now 2 parts designing its magzine. dreamed sorting porn video disks. last night slept soon$sound. since last night i had comsumed all of one kind of pills, only left another pills for my dose. its a brilliant morning. in office clear recent feeds of google services update&IT news. tried lots of chrome extensions. sorted portable suite with updates esp. those extensions. my girl missing in rush time. the department director told me aid from QRRS amounts to ¥500&coming later. haunted community free cafe again. the only pc installed deepfreeze software left to me, strangely unlike other pcs in China nowadays Internet cafe, don't auto restore on power on. heavily been hacked, ie. remotely controlled. check my google maps&other family sites. buzzed baby's mom&refused her suggestion to take over my old medcines there. let baby son known his grandpa's anniversary&he nodded it. reviewed for 2 hours after return dorm the evil China surveillance&dogs cast on me&shocked. killing all the old dirty stuff on this freaky land is badly needed for a new China.

dreamed of infant baby son.^last night It started to snow to kill dirts. tried again posting daily tweet in unsafe cafe, by posting to my forum at ,where allows posting anonymously&denying delete. met the canteen's owner&talked about my blessed fate&my new wife. a male dog there heavily profaned. slept later for preparing feeds reader for mobile environment. dogs' biting let me restlessly awhile. dreamed hometown gathering, where a once neighbor wife chatted with me. got up&dozed again. dreamed in dawn baby son when he is infant. heartbroken love for him for he is so little&young. regret since last night for i talked to his mom 2 days but didn't call him. regret turns strong&buzzed ema&baby when they visit clinic to fix baby's pested teech but unable to talk for noise there. the monitor told me the facing guy these days in his vacation. so i can adopt the lan wire he previously occupied. all afternoon then stay online to prepare mobile working space, ie. portable chrome with my bookmarks, my subscription reader, backup them to web drive&online office. also posted delayed tweets&calendar events. surfed in community free cafe after buzzed baby son. dogs in China surveillance hacked me face by face, using batch to xcopy my portable suite after i plug my udisk, deleted my browser's personal settings seconds after i unpacked it to hard disk from my udisk, all this likely just shown their spying tools' power, for the long history of tracking my web traffic got them most of my confidentials, with which I also do my best to set them open&universal accessible. google China also shown my web id listed in filtered contents. when i left, snow killing as it did last night.

updated my status in turbulence. dreamed join American army in US.^China surveillance upon me turns freaky. the office dogs seated just after i arrived. i at once tried to use the monitor's corporate lan to update my twitter, but soon broke twice for the leaving and returning monitor, who later made lots of complains that after my unplug his lan wire, he can't reconnect to the web after rejoin the lan. God sees how the demon tentatively made the unusual problem happen on his pc (it never happen on my notebook). busy with finishing scheduled task, including creating a new flick group for my namespace, IIDChina, so missed saluting to my girl Zhou in QRRS rush time, but caught her in the rush time of beginning of afternoon. she walked alone the other lane, showing reservation on me. God, i never want conflicts in my rest marriages. i deserves peace and deep harmony between my partners and me from now on, for ur glory uncomparable on the earth.
dined early to prepare to salute my girl zhou, but dogs plotting to trap me in sexual infamous. so sheered back to dorm. haunted awhile the community free cafe. baby's mother, emakingir, asked me to help refined her course demo's video.
dreamed joined American army with a brother or pal. on the train or queue toward frontline. and life after retired, with my family, likely including my wife and son in US.
refined portable suite. the department director invited to talk, urging me now first receive my old family's aid before the applied aid from QRRS arrive. reveals as i talk my girl appears in QRRS rush time&my treating the high rank of QRRS, a Zhou, whom i asked to borrow ¥3000 the day i rejoin QRRS' dorm, as my father-in-law. reveals i was basically a Christian. idle all time in office. ema later told me in phone she got her edited video. review my being blessed in dorm alone.

post recent blog. first time met my girl zhou on the ground.^Its a brilliant day. post blog wrote yesterday in office in a breeze, with all photos from our treat in KFC Tiedong franchise. in dorm review my love with girl Masheng, zhou, the Taiwan girl. dined near QRRS' over time then roamed alone its main road, met girl Zhou just under my office, follow her and her pals till she departed all&enter the lane she likely residents. praying God not a too embarrassing nor zigzag course before we got wired under a same roof. God, i totally under her charm, and got me her arms around me the sooner the better. watched Yangge collective dance after dinner on the square of QRRS, its beauty grasped me at once. female's tendering touch me in any vein or visional method when i was stopped. woke up early, about 5am, dreamed in a camp with a mother, likely girl Zhou, with her daughter. i was with my baby son. we tried to correct our babies.

reveiw my pastime with Masheng in music of Daolang.^most day idle. trying to use the community free cafe but sucked by the stupid&evil door keeper woman. dozed for more than 1 hours after noon as last weekend, then wrote a blog about my ordain. review my love&those pecular moments with Masheng in Nankai Univ when i there persue a master degree, with touching music by Daolang刀郎, a western China muscian. tried again to use community cafe, but found dogs surveillance me on every presence, and plotted detailedly to defame me in losing. God shown me every device&trap. killing dog is the persistant job for my family&I should never forget it.

tried to make use of community free Internet cafe to prepare posting photos but failed.^last day busy with preparing a portable suite to work on free Internet hub within QRRS dorms, where all pc heavily infected with malware&spyware. tried it after dinner, almost succeeded but backup data wrongly so most works lost. dreamed war fire and holy message that with endurance&persistence all things&disconfort runs straight. later dreamed caring baby son, urging him to put on shoes to leave, but he playful till his mom arriving. we watched an aged practising calligraphy, which likes dao道 (means way in English) but with differences.

posted a blog with photo for 4th snow&Masheng's descending last afternoon.^shot snow scene on way to office. Its likely the thickest snow of 2009. posted these photos with a blog entry to my blogs. ema came over to settle bank stuff, ie. destroy my old salary account, deposit for baby monthly. for clerk said now an account with 2 withdraw methods (a card&a book) not supported, i gave up holding the credit card&left it baby's mother. such a maverallous time in KFC franchise. lots of shots. first time i bought family suite of fried chiecken. check posting in night in dorms open cafe. this morning dreamed of fans of popstar, like Korean or Chinese, like Guohan郭韓. we with their agency in a room underground. also fight with some kids likely including the baby girl in KFC franchise yesterday. preparing portable suite now for mobile working space. dozed first time on bed after noon, dreamed a kid girl accompany me for a long time in tunnel. my second baby would be a daughter with girl Zhou. my 3rd son is one of the fruits with the Taiwan girl, in my 4th marriage which forged for us by my dad himself.

Posted via email from zhuson, united US and China in one under God’s shine